Monday, April 18, 2011

Reflecting Truth

This weekend I attended a unique art event in Rochester, NY: Culture Crawl:

All throughout this artsy city (who knew?) were FREE venues where one could dance, sing, watch, listen, hum, draw, write, gape, and laugh. You could venture into a converted service station that is now a theater and watch the cast of Tommy practice for an upcoming performance or learn a range of dance movements and their significance, or sit in on a musical theater competition at the Eastman School of Music OR laugh at a ridiculous improv show OR create a poem from newspaper strips in a converted old house. It was fun and a fitting way to spend a windy-rainy-nasty day.

It also made me wonder more than once why we create and how we decide to use the media that we do. More importantly, I wonder how we use art to communicate the truth in our lives. Do we need to tell our stories because as humans we thrive on this truth telling practice and then do we choose our form of doing this because we are complex and creative and beings that reflect truth, beauty, and goodness in the most mundane of life? Are there art forms that are truer expressions of this experience? Can we classify art as "bad" if it reflects truth in some way?

I am sure these questions will continue to reverberate in my head as I look closer at the world around me...

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