Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Flow

Go with the flow! As a father of three young children who is also teaching two new graduate courses and trying to have some semblance of sanity, that adage is more true than ever. There are days when it is just enough to have survived it with my wits intact for it be a success. I am learning that being a parent means that I need to give up so much of my personal time and space so that there are times when I wonder who I really am.

When I am in the midst of chasing after my three year old son who has hit his sister yet one more time or am changing another rank nappy, I sometime feel I am really in a rhythm, a flow if you will where I just hunker down and do what I need to do in order get me and my family out the other end of sanity.

In the midst of it all, I do love it. I know this is where I am and where I need to be. I love that I straddle two worlds that involve nurture. In my one world I am nurturing young children as they develop language and social skills. In my other world I am nurturing new teachers who are learning about their own learning which in turn helps them develop the learning of the adolescents who will be under their care. Both are daunting tasks which require patience and a sense of humor.

When I find the time to reflect on my current lot in life, I realize that not only am I in the flow but I also have found life's meaning: giving to those who are vulnerable and not yet independent in the hope that they will one day sprout wings and fly!

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