Saturday, August 13, 2011

Dad Duty

In just a few short hours I will accompany five other dads and their toddlers on a train to Philly for a day at the Please Touch Museum. I know it's madness but it's just one of the many things we do for our kids. In one sense, it's nice to be able to do these crazy things with a community of guys who, though they are at least a decade younger than me, because of our shared state in life, we forge a unique bond.
No one said parenting would be easy but these moments when I get the chance to step back in time and enter into the world of my children are priceless. I am more aware than ever of my son's developing language and personality and I want to do what I can to fill his life with moments of wonder and inquiry. I want him to discover how big and wonderful his world is and encourage him to learn as much as he can about it.
Last year when we went with Janet's family, I was amazed at all that he could do even then in this museum and was looking forward to the time when we could take trips like this both as a way to bond and as a way to learn about the world around us.
Life is fleeting and, as so many of my friends have reminded me, these moments spent in quality time with our children will be gone before we know it. I want to be a parent who capitalizes on the opportunities to have fun with with my child and to give Janet a much needed break! Who needs to sleep anyway?

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