Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Week of the Surreal

It's a week before school starts and I am having trouble focusing. My syllabi are still works in progress, I am helping three friends move, and time with my family is energy-sapping albeit fun. More importantly, I am remembering my mother and father who passed away this week, my mom a year ago and my father four years ago.
I visited their grave with flowers today and said a prayer for our family who has gone through hell this year without them. I can only imagine how their presence would have made a difference as they learned about my brother's indiscretions which led to his arrest or my other brother's pride which kept him from talking to me or the arrival of my third child, another daughter. I can only imagine and I pray. I pray for peace and wisdom. I pray for comfort and strength.
I know in this fabric of life the stains are reminders of our broken world and give hope for healing and wholeness.
Until then, I wait and pray.

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